haven't been here for a looooonggggg time
still hectic job
different stupid people making worse decisions
different stupid people making no decisions
3 year old daughter (with a 13 year old attitude) is actually being pretty cool
8 month old daughter is chunky
To people at the office (you know who you are): why don't you do your own job before trying to do mine
pretty sure my head can actually take that wall now
awesome wife being awesome: talking me down when needed, but goading me on too
more people at my office door
I mean, nothing wrong here, what did you need *smile*
To myself: I can't do everything here, there are not enough hours in a day
To others: Sure, I can help you with that, no problem
Missing football
oh look, another shitty comment from Mr Head Up His Ass
followed by about 3-4 more
Combination of Loud Music and CNN on the drive home
music very LOUD and very HEAVY...News very depressing
I'm home
TiVo is packed...another To Do list
emails from the office at night...what pearls of wisdom does Mr Head Up His Ass have for me now?
wow, he did top the last one, didn't think that could happen
shitty email written...yeah, well f@c# u Mr HUHA
check with a friend first: SEND vs DON'T SEND
she wins (my Yoda)
I can't believe I don't drink
really...why DON'T I drink?
and in 8 hours it all starts again
f'in lovely
OK GO does it AGAIN!
9 years ago